You SELF are the centre of your life.

"Getting to know yourself and others" is getting to know your own SELF, the "I am". This is done through my natural gift and psycho-physiognomic knowledge to grasp a person behind their facade and confront them with their true SELF.

Through this I bring to your awareness how important it is that you are in harmony with yourself. Any emotional disharmony leads to mental and physical illness.

To SELF-destruction, SELF-rejection, SELF-denial, SELF-abandonment and so on.
LIFE begins with SELF-love and whoever does not feel SELF-value could end his life with a SELF-murder.

 SELF-experience processes.

I offer "Getting to know yourself and others" as a

  • individual lessons
  • with 9 weeks of guidance

Day seminar: "Getting to know oneself and others".
-an encounter with the inner SELF-parts